The project
School of Colour Publishing; a niche publishing company working in the area of colour theory, wanted a revenue-generating interactive service. It had to be easy to use and mesh well with the printed books being offered, these were printed in both English and Japanese.
My role
This was an end-to-end project. My role was to design and build the entire application. I considered the subject matter and the audience and chose a solution involving a stand-alone Flash application coded in ActionScript and XML and distrubuted on a cdrom. I designed a clear and intuitive interface and tools to link the product to the book and to allow the user to experiment with colour combinations.
The application continues to sell with positive responses from customers and subsequent versions were developed with differing themes. I choose to keep all the language elements separately in XML, allowing easy managment of translations and a Japanese version was produced. XML was also used to store colour table data enabling the colour data to be imported into the page layout programs used to typeset the printed books.
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